Brazilian Journal of Pain
Brazilian Journal of Pain
Case Report

Persistent idiopathic facial pain, a diagnosis and treatment of challenge. Case report

Raphael de Souza Borges; Durval Campos Kraychete; Emilly Leticia Gusmão Borges; Valmir Machado de Melo Filho

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Persistent idiopathic facial pain is a chronic disease with neuropathic origin, whose etiology is usually unknown; it is a medical condition that does not respond satisfactorily to drug therapy. It is also a disease with a major impact on patient quality of life and difficult to diagnose. This study aimed to report the diagnosis of a complex, persistent idiopathic facial pain, the pharmacological intervention taken and the adoption of integrative and complementary practices for the management of persistent idiopathic facial, as well as the clinical course and the impact of these actions on the patient’s quality of life.

CASE REPORT: A female patient, 52, diagnosed 06 years ago as a carrier of persistente idiopathic facial pain associated with bruxism and temporomandibular disorders. The patient presented with a complaint of orofacial pain which did not meet the diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders. The patient also presented myofascial and trigeminal neuralgia pain in the left buccal region which emerged after performing a root canal procedure. The therapeutic plan adopted was based on pharmacological therapy with pregabalin (450mg) in combination with venlafaxine hydrochloride (150mg), continuously. As additional measures, weekly acupuncture sessions, therapy sessions with psychologists, including hypnosis and meditation, as well as peripheral nerve and a venous block during crises and botulinum toxin application were applied.

CONCLUSION: The therapeutic plan adopted led to a considerable improvement in the patient’s quality of life, evidenced by the reduction in pain intensity and a decrease in the frequency of painful crises. The need for interdisciplinary monitoring, as it is a multifactorial disease, as well as for the ongoing training of various categories of health professionals involved in the treatment of persistent idiopathic facial, given that it is a complication which is rare and difficult to diagnose, is observed.


Atypical facial pain, Chronic pain, Facial pain, Pain, Quality of life


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