Brazilian Journal of Pain
Brazilian Journal of Pain

About the Journal

Brief History

  • BrJP was founded in 1999 under the initial title Revista Dor. BrJP is the scientific journal of the Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Dor (SBED – Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain) – the Brazilian chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) – with the primary aim of being an organ for the publication of original articles, reviews and case reports on the study of acute or chronic pain in humans and animals, by national and foreign authors, whether or not they are SBED members. Its mission is to disseminate scientific advances in the treatment and study of pain. Due to its bilingual publication format (English and Portuguese), in 2018 the name of the journal was changed to BrJP.

Open Access

  • BrJP is an open access journal, which means that all content is available free of charge, at no cost to the user or their institution.
  • Users are authorized to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the editor or author. Users must cite the source of the information with the BrJP publication reference.

Compliance with Open Science

  • This journal follows the Open Science Green model.
  • Authors must complete and submit the Open Science compliance form with the manuscript. In this form, authors are asked to inform: (a) whether the manuscript is a preprint and, if so, its location; (b) whether data, program code and other material underlying the text of the manuscript are properly cited and referenced; and (c) whether they accept openness options in the peer review process. 

Link to the Open Science compliance form

Publication Ethics

  • The BrJP adopts the principles of publication ethics included in the code of conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE.
  • Allegations of misconduct before and after publication are addressed to the journal and the editor-in-chief and can lead to: removal of the author, request for retraction for ethical misconduct, among others.
  • Authors are obliged to mention each other's contribution on the title page based on the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CrediT) declaration of authorship.
  • Complaints and appeals should be sent to the journal, editor-in-chief, editorial board or SBED, the scientific society responsible for publishing BrJP.
  • Conflicts of interest of each of the authors, editors and reviewers must be indicated in the article. Failure to do so may result in appeals and the need for retraction on the part of those involved.
  • Data and reproducibility: BrJP encourages the use of guidelines for reporting and registering clinical and other trials and the publication and availability of raw data from research published in the journal.
  • Human and animal clinical trials must have approval from a recognized ethics committee. The Plataforma Brasil do Conselho Nacional de Saúde is suggested.
  • BrJP does not accept plagiarism or similar. It considers duplicate or fragmented publication of the same research to be an ethical infraction and is careful to use mechanisms to find text similarities and detect plagiarism. In order to verify originality, the article will be checked for originality using the iThenticate software before it is submitted for peer review. Although the editors make every effort to ensure the validity of published manuscripts, the ultimate responsibility lies with the authors, not BrJP, its editors or reviewers, requiring a retraction from the authors and the article may be removed from BrJP in the event of subsequent confirmation of plagiarism or misconduct.
  • Post-publication discussions and corrections are allowed via letters to the editor, allowing for debate, correction, revision and retraction of articles after publication.

Focus and Scope

  • The main objective of the BrJP journal is to publish the results of original research into the treatment of pain and the understanding of acute pain, chronic pain, pain education, bioethics, pain in humans and pain in animals. With a multidisciplinary emphasis, BrJP publishes research results from various areas of health and areas related to the study and treatment of pain. 
  • Areas of interest: Acute pain, Chronic pain, Pain education, Pain treatment, Bioethics, Medicine, Pain in humans, Pain in animals.
  • BrJP adopts the Creative Commons CC BY license: "This license allows others to distribute, remix, adapt and create from your work, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit you for the original creation. It is the most flexible of all the licenses available. It is recommended in order to maximize the dissemination and use of licensed materials." (Source: CC/Brazil).
  • There is no charge to authors for submitting or processing articles (APC).
  •  As of January 2024, BrJP will be published under the continuous publication mode.

Digital Preservation

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     Bibliographic Data

  • Journal title: Brazilian Journal of Pain 
  • Short title: BrJP
  • Published by:  Brazilian Society for the Study of Pain.
  • Periodicity 2023: Quarterly
  • Periodicity 2024: Annual
  • Type of publication 2024: Continuous Publication
  • Year the journal was created: 1999

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