Brazilian Journal of Pain
Brazilian Journal of Pain
Original Article

Knowledge and use of Integrative and Complementary Health Practices by patients with orofacial pain

Conhecimento e uso das Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde por pacientes com dor orofacial

Keila Esterlina Chagas; Clarice do Vale Araújo Melo; Isabela Rodrigues Rocha; Camila Megale Almeida-Leite; Janice Simpson de Paula

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Use of Integrative and Complementary Health Practices (ICHP) in pain management has increased, mainly due to the biopsychosocial nature of pain. The objective of this work is to evaluate the knowledge and use of ICHP in patients with orofacial pain and describe the sociodemographic profile of patients that use these therapies.

METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study and data collection was performed through a questionnaire about knowledge, use and interest in ICHP in a sample of patients with orofacial pain. Adult patients of both sexes under treatment from August 2018 to July 2019 at orofacial pain specialized services were included.

RESULTS: Fifty-six patients (84.8%) were female and among those 97% had previous knowledge of complementary practices, with acupuncture being the most known (89.6%). In addition, 59% of participants used therapies for orofacial pain, mainly phytotherapy (28.8%). Ninety-seven percent showed interest in knowledge and use of complementary therapies. Among users, the majority was female.

CONCLUSION: The patients know and use ICHP to relieve orofacial pain and show great interest in the field which justifies inclusion of complementary practices for management of orofacial pain.


Chronic pain, Complementary therapies, Dentistry, Facial pain.


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A utilização de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares em Saúde (PICS) no tratamento da dor tem aumentado, sobretudo em função da natureza biopsicossocial da dor. O objetivo foi avaliar o conhecimento e uso das PICS em pacientes com dor orofacial e conhecer o perfil sociodemográfico dos pacientes que utilizam essas terapias.

MÉTODOS: Estudo do tipo transversal, com pacientes atendidos de agosto de 2018 a julho de 2019 nas clínicas de dor orofacial. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio de um questionário sobre conhecimento, uso e interesse a respeito das PICS.

RESULTADOS: Dos 66 pacientes, 56 (84,8%) eram mulheres. Desses, 97% conheciam as práticas integrativas, sendo a acupuntura a mais conhecida (89,6%). Ademais, 59% dos participantes fizeram uso de alguma terapia para dor orofacial, sendo a fitoterapia a mais utilizada (28,8%), e 97% tinham interesse em conhecer e utilizar as práticas.

CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes com dor orofacial conhecem e utilizam as PICS para alívio da dor e promoção do bem-estar. Há grande interesse pelas práticas, fato que estimula a inclusão no tratamento complementar da dor orofacial.


Dor crônica, Dor facial, Odontologia, Terapias complementares.


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