Brazilian Journal of Pain
Brazilian Journal of Pain
Review Article

Multidimensional instruments validated in Brazil for pain evaluation in the elderly: narrative review

Instrumentos multidimensionais validados no Brasil para avaliação da dor na pessoa idosa: revisão narrativa

Darcton Souza de Aguiar; Igor de Matos Pinheiro

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Multidimensional instruments for the evaluation of pain in the elderly allows to identify the conditions that involves pain considering the emotional, physical, psychological, social, and economic aspects. They are ancillary tools in the prognosis of diseases, in addition to allowing a better approach to pain considering their assessed dimensions. The objective of this study was to review the literature on multidimensional instruments validated in Brazil for the evaluation of pain in the elderly, identifying instruments aimed at elderly people with neurocognitive disorders.

CONTENTS: This was a narrative review of the literature with scientific articles searched in the electronic databases Pubmed, LILACS, and Scielo. The following keywords of the Portuguese language defined by the DeCS were used: pain, pain threshold, pain measurement, aging, and the elderly. Scientific articles on instruments validated in Brazil and published in the period from 2000 to 2018 were included. There were 38 articles, of which 33 were excluded, and only 5 articles were included. The validated instruments found for pain assessment in the elderly in Brazil were the McGill Pain Questionnaire, Geriatric Pain Measure, Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Pain Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate, Non-Communicative Patient´s Pain Assessment Instrument, Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia.

CONCLUSION: The five instruments found offer the health professional a range of tools to understand pain better. Of these, three instruments allow the assessment of pain in the elderly with neurocognitive disorders.


Dementia, Elderly, Pain evaluation


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Os instrumentos multidimensionais para avaliação da dor em idosos permitem identificar as condições que envolvem a dor considerando os aspectos emocionais, físicos, psicológicos, sociais e econômicos. Trata-se de ferramentas auxiliares no prognóstico de doenças, que permitem melhor abordagem da dor considerando suas dimensões avaliadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar a literatura sobre os instrumentos multidimensionais validados no Brasil para a avaliação da dor na pessoa idosa, identificando os instrumentos direcionados para idosos com transtornos neurocognitivos.

CONTEÚDO: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura realizada com artigos científicos pesquisados nas bases de dados eletrônicas Pubmed, LILACS e Scielo. Utilizou-se o cruzamento das seguintes palavras-chave da língua portuguesa definidas pelo DeCS: dor, limiar de dor, mensuração da dor, envelhecimento e idoso. Foram incluídos artigos científicos de instrumentos validados no Brasil e que foram publicados no período de 2000 a 2018. Foram encontrados 38 artigos, destes, 33 foram excluídos, sendo incluso apenas 5 artigos. Os instrumentos validados encontrados para a avaliação da dor em idosos no Brasil foram o Brazilian Portuguese McGill Pain Questionnaire, Geriatric Pain Measure, Assessment Checklist for Seniors with Limited Ability to Communicate, Non-Communicative Patient’s Pain Assessment Instrument, Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia.

CONCLUSÃO: Os cinco instrumentos encontrados oferecem para o profissional de saúde uma gama de ferramentas para melhor compreensão da dor. Destes, três instrumentos permitem avaliar a dor em idosos com transtornos neurocognitivos.


Avaliação da dor, Demência, Idoso


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