Brazilian Journal of Pain
Brazilian Journal of Pain


Volume 5, Issue 3, 2022

5(3), 2022


Original Article
Possible repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on women with fibromyalgia: longitudinal study Géssika Araújo de Melo; Marcela Laís Lima Holmes Madruga; Maria Beatriz Ribeiro de Oliveira; Nelson Torro Original Article
Musculoskeletal pain, multimorbidity and associated factors in individuals followed at a physiotherapy service: cross-sectional observational study Ana Francisca Ferreira; Jesús Enrique Patiño Escarcina; Dryele Teles C. Luz; Ruan Barbosa Souza; Eduardo Martins Netto Original Article
Effect of photobiomodulation therapy (660 nm and 830 nm) on carrageenan-induced edema and pain behavior in mice Alexandre Marcio Marcolino; Ketlyn Germann Hendler; Rafael Inacio Barbosa; Lais Mara Siqueira das Neves; Heloyse Uliam Kuriki; Rafael Cypriano Dutra Original Article
Upper extremities functional disability and pain intensity in female volleyball athletes: cross-sectional study Érika Camila Oliveira Miranda; Isabela Almeida Ramos; Geórgia Danila Fernandes D’Oliveira; Erika Baptista Gomes; Claudia Dias Leite Original Article
Pain self-efficacy and physical activity during COVID-19-related social distancing: cross-sectional study Francisco Fleury Uchoa Santos-Júnior; Isabela de Paula Rodrigues; Rafael Krasic Alaiti; Anamaria Siriani de Oliveira Original Article
People with amputation and musculoskeletal pain show reduced electrical activity of Alpha brain waves: cross-sectional study Débora Pinheiro Aguiar; Paulo Cezar do Nascimento Filho; Amanda Guerra Moreira; Gabriella Coelho Vieira de Melo Alves; Gisele Harumi Hotta; Francisco Fleury Uchoa Santos-Júnior Original Article
Chronic Chikungunya arthralgia reduces functionality, quality of life and occupational performance: descriptive cross-sectional study Antonio Felipe Lopes Cavalcante; Alexandre Hideki Okano; Maria Tereza Micussi; Clécio Gabriel de Souza; João Octávio Sales Passos; Edgard Morya; Rodrigo Pegado de Abreu Freitas Original Article
Electrical stimulation of the posterior insular cortex induces opioid and cannabinoid-dependent antinociception and regulates glial cells in the spinal cord Elizamara Santos Gonçalves; Heloísa Alonso Matielo; Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira; Daniel Ciampi de Andrade; Clement Hamani; Camila Squarzoni Dale Original Article

Review Article
Physical exercise in the control of pain or fatigue associated with viral infections: systematic review Mônica Andrade Rios; Bruno Teixeira Goes; Abrahão Fontes Baptista; Leonardo Santana Ramos de Oliveira; Katia Nunes Sá Review Article
Characterization of pain in hospitalized patients: narrative review Bárbara Bernardes Lobo; Erikson Custódio Alcântara Review Article
Pilates method on pain in patients with low back pain: systematic review André Luiz Lisboa Cordeiro; Ana Paula Silva Oliveira; Natale Sena Cerqueira; Fernanda Aparecida Ferreira Santos; Alberto Manoel Sarkis Oliveira Review Article
Counseling to change the lifestyle of sedentary workers on musculoskeletal pain: systematic review Jeferson Santos Jerônimo; Samuel Völz Lopes; Fernando Carlos Vinholes Siqueira; Marcelo Cozzensa da-Silva Review Article
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the non-cancer chronic pain and its management in the elderly Joana Isabel Aparício Pereira; Rosa Marina Afonso; Paulo Reis-Pina Review Article

Case Report
Intravascular ketamine infusion for the treatment of chronic pain and depression. Case report Ledismar José da-Silva; Paulo Gabriel Balestra Silveira Ayres; Laís Martins Vasconcellos Case Report
Epidural morphine for chronic pain in a patient with peripheral neuropathy and DRESS syndrome. Case report Julie Azevedo Araújo Valente; Bárbara Caroline Siqueira; Marcelo de Jesus Martins; Antonio Argolo Sampaio Filho Case Report


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